Home FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions

1. Should I make an appointment before coming to the salon?
Yes, we highly recommend that you make an appointment before coming to the spa. Making a prior appointment means that we will be able to prepare for your treatment and give you our best service. It will also save you time for you wouldn’t have to wait in the lobby for your turn. While we do accept walk-in customers, booking an appointment will make the whole procedure easy for you as well as us.

2. I won’t be able to make for my appointment. What should I do?
Sometimes you may not be able to keep your appointment. In such cases, we request you to inform us at least 24 hours in advance about your inability to attend. This will help us to assign your time slot to another customer. You can call us or send an email to inform about your absence.

3. Can I bring my own nail tool kit to the nail salon?
Yes, today many people prefer bringing their own nail toolkit to the salon, for the fear of infection from the tools used in the salon. You can bring your nail toolkit, however, we request you to ensure that your toolkit is sterilized and cleaning very well after the procedure.

4. Can I use my phone during my nail salon appointment?
Using your phone might sound like an interesting idea to keep away boredom during your nail salon procedures. However many often, it takes your attention away from the procedure leading to results, sometimes leading to results that you wouldn’t like. Therefore it is safe to pay attention to the procedure than your phone.

5. Can I bring food and beverages to the salon?
We understand that a salon procedure can be time-consuming making it a boring affair for our clients. While we don’t strictly ban outside food and drinks, we prefer that you don’t bring food and drinks. However, if you do, kindly do not dirty the surroundings for the convenience of the other customers.

6. How often should I get a pedicure?
Healthy nails are beautiful. However maintaining it healthy demands some attention from you. It is good to get a pedicure once a week. Dirt accumulates in your toes faster than you imagine. Bacteria and fungus grow easily bringing diseases. It will benefit your feet greatly!

7. I have ingrown toes. Is it safe to get a pedicure now?
Ingrown toes are a painful condition affecting the toes. It is better to avoid a pedicure if you have ingrown toe nails as the risk of infection is high. But prevention is better than cure. You can prevent ingrown toes nails to a great extent by having a pedicure once in a while. Nail technicians are experts in understanding foot problems and they’ll tell you what to do and what not to do so as to prevent ingrown nails.

8. Can I wax my legs before I go for a pedicure?
We highly recommend NOT to wax your legs before your pedicure appointment. Although it might seem like a gentle thing to do, waxing your legs before a pedicure has the potential to cause infections. Waxing creates pores inside your skin so that the bacteria and fungus cleared out during a pedicure can find its way into your body. Therefore we recommend that you don’t wax your legs at least for two days before your pedicure. You may have your pedicure first then waxing.

9. Is it safe to get a pedicure during pregnancy?
Yes, pedicure does not interfere with your health unless you develop an infection unsterilized tools, which puts both you and your baby at risk. Apart from that, there is little or no evidence that the chemicals and fumes from the nail salon will affect your baby.

10. I have diabetes. Can I get a pedicure now?
For a patient with diabetes, wounds heal very slowly. This increases the risk of developing infections. Since a pedicure can cause wounds in your toe, getting a pedicure if you have diabetes does not seem like a great idea, if your pedicure environment is not sterilized and clean. Hence it is advisable to visit diabetic- friendly nail salons or go to salons with an excellent hygiene policy

11. How can I protect my cuticles?
Your cuticles are very important in the protecting your nails. Therefore it is only natural that you should care for it too. Apply cuticle oil and massage your nails after shower.

12. Is it okay to scrap my nail polish off my nails instead of using a remover?
No, scraping your nail polish off can harm your nails and nail beds. It is always advisable to use a nail polish remover to remove it. In the case of gel manicure we highly recommend you to visit your nail technician for the removal.

13. What is the difference between a gel nail polish and a regular nail polish?
Gel nail polish and regular nail polish have a fundamental difference in their constitution. Regular nail polishes are like paint and dries quickly. However the gel nail polish, as the name suggests, is a gel compound. The gel nail polish requires curing or drying under a LED lamp. UV rays are also used to cure the gel nail polish. Gel nail polish is being increasingly used these days due to its ability to last long and resist chipping. It has a glassy surface which looks like a plastic coating.

14. Are gel manicures safe?
Being a novice in the nail care industry, gel nail polish is bound to raise suspicions on its safety. However, as opposed to the popular conceptions, gel nail polish is not much different from the acrylic nail polish in its results. Gel nail polish lasts longer and its removal has to be done professionally at a salon.

15. Can I mix a regular nail polish with gel nail polish?
No, mixing the regular nail polish and a gel nail polish is not a good idea. This is because there are fundamental differences in the composition of a gel nail polish and the regular nail polish. A gel nail polish, as the name suggests is a gel compound that required curing under UV rays or LEd light. Therefore it is not advisable to mix gel nail polish with the regular ones.

16. What are the advantages of the gel nail polish?
The gel nail polish lasts for up to 3-4 weeks without chipping. This increases the gap between your salon visits saving you time and money. It is non-porous which means that it does not let moisture from the atmosphere into your nails. With a glassy finish, gel nail polish looks very classic and adorable.

17. Is gel manicure costlier than the regular manicure?
Yes, gel manicures are slightly expensive than the regular manicures. While a regular manicure costs around Php 320, a gel manicure pricing starts from Php 900. However, the property of the gel manicure to last longer outweighs its higher cost.

18. Are the UV rays used in curing the gel nail polish safe?
If your salon uses UV rays to cure your gel nail polish, make sure to apply sunscreen over your skin to protect it from exposure. Also, if you are quite concerned about the UV rays, ask your nail technician if they have an LED lamp to cure the gel nail polish.

19. How long will a gel manicure stay?
Unlike a regular nail polish that starts chipping after a week, a gel manicure typically lasts for up to 3 weeks without damage or chipping. This will increase the gap between your salon visits saving you money. However, it also depends on the brands of gel nail polish you use and your daily activities.

20. How can I remove a gel nail polish?
The gel nail polish removal requires professional help. Gel nail polish is best removed in a salon itself. Do not scratch or scrape your nail to remove the gel manicure because it can harm your nail bed. Although you can remove a gel nail polish at home too, it requires immense care and attention. Hence we recommend you to get it removed in a nail salon.

21. How to remove gel nail polish at home?
You can buy a gel remover or pure acetone for the process. Dip a ball of cotton in any of the solution and cover your nails with it. Again cover this with aluminum foil and then with a cloth to fasten the removal process. It can take from 20 minutes to 30 minutes depending on the brand of gel you use. After this moisturize your nail and use a cuticle oil to keep it healthy.

22. Can I take a hot bath after waxing?
No, waxing exposes your hair follicles making it susceptible to damage. If you expose your freshly waxed skin to heat, then it can get burned. Therefore avoid hot baths and direct sunlight from your skin for at least a day after waxing.

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